Thursday, August 21, 2014

Up North

"Up North." To most Michiganders that phrase bring memories of summer vacations, fresh water beaches, very cold lakes, and giant biting flies. Thanks to some very generous family friends, we had the pleasure of vacationing in Charlevoix this past weekend and, despite the rainy weather, enjoyed every minute.  Our plans of running and biking in the woods were replaced with sitting on the beach with Fat Tires in our coozies watching our B play in the sand.  Hence, pictures:
Daddy and B
Loves the sand - will not look into camera 
Aunt Money and B

yay the sun is out!

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy Fourth!

I spent my Independence Day working in the hospital, and had the pleasure of taking care of two families with languages, cultures, and traditions different from my own.  Although our country is imperfect, and it's people increasingly divided in their beliefs - our freedoms draw so many others in. As we celebrate our freedom, we should celebrate our diversity - our country is enriched by it! 

Happy 4th of July! 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Hello, again.

My heart, my mind, my body has finally recovered from this most brutal, bitter-cold winter.  The sun is a life- and soul-sustaining force and to say I missed it would be an understatement. The past 10 months have been filled with work, teaching dance classes, and watching my little B turn into a toddler. Although it has been a busy time, it has also been a blessed time:

First Birthday Party in April
Memorial Day Weekend at The Lake

B is the joy of my life - I love watching her explore with her constant and intense curiosity. She is the sweetest little lady asking for a kiss and the next moment smiling mischievously while getting into all sorts of trouble (the trash, toilet, cords, and every toddler hazard you can imagine). Climbing up on chairs and kicking a ball are her newest skills and I'm afraid she will start running soon!

It has been an adventure watching her grow while I try to juggle work and dance. The Recital is over and I will miss seeing all those kiddos every week, but I'm looking forward to what the summer will bring. I'm hoping for a lot of enjoying of sunshine and reading of books. The baby pool is ready and I haven't had a tan in two years - so bring on the heat!

Friday, August 30, 2013

I. Love. The. Library.

I. Love. The. Library.

Walking through the bookshelves, I try to comprehend how it's possible that I can take ANY book and read it. For free. No doubt I was exposed to the concept as a small child - but after becoming a grown up and having a mortgage payment and buy food, etc. - rediscovering something that is truly free makes me giddy. 

This past trip to the library was a lot like when I fill my plate at Thanksgiving. I get excited and take way too much.  Although finishing three novels in three weeks is impossible (for me), I always find a way to finish a heaping plate of food.  Out of the three I took home, I finished one: The Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling.  Yes - the author of the Harry Potter series.

The Casual Vacancy, at first, seems like only a simple story of a small town.  An upstanding citizen on the town's council dies, and the events surrounding the filling of his seat are contained in Rowling's tale. The pages include the expected small-town gossip and petty rivalries, but it also explores profound themes of family, socio-economic divides and misunderstandings.   

After I began the book, I was unsure whether I would be entertained by the story line.  My brain needed to shift gears from the ever-changing stories of The Hunger Games, Divergent, and Game of Thrones to something slightly slower.  Although the pace is slower, Rowling keeps you reading as she presents the imperfect, interesting inhabitants of Pagford. Whether one identifies with or dislikes them - one thing is true - Rowling definitely knows how to create full, complex characters.  

The brief synopsis of The Casual Vacancy may or may not pull a reader in, but once engulfed in the lives of J.K. Rowling's characters - it's impossible to not see them through until the end. 

My next read is A Discovery of Witches, by Debora Harkness. This book is the beginning to another trilogy released over two years ago...and is now being turned into a movie. So far, I'm loving it. 

Have a great Labor Day Weekend!

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Vacationing with a 4 month old requires a lot of preparation and extra effort, but the experiences and memories are worth it - or so I imagine. The sleep deprivation I experienced during our mini vacations has exacerbated this zombie-like state in which I function. So - I am not remembering anything too vividly these days. Thank goodness for iPhone cameras! 


Sleep deprivation has also made me somewhat delusional. Some examples:

I have three huge novels checked out from the library.

I initiated the purchase of a jogging stroller. 

I downloaded a couch to 5k app for my phone. 

I've been looking up "virgin diet" recipes (no gluten, dairy, etc...).

I will be teaching 5-6 year old children ballet and tap and 10 year old kids jazz and hip hop (yes, hip hop) on a weekly basis starting in two weeks. 

I just inquired about a masters program in health informatics.

I am a working mom. 

Maybe I am so sleep deprived that I'm partially dreaming/sleep walking. That is the only rationale I can think of to explain this behavior.

I was actually using the stove in the following picture - quinoa patties and sauteed zucchini. Who am I? 

Thursday, August 15, 2013


Now that I'm a mother, every day brings new experiences. My growing baby girl does something new and is a different baby every week!  Amidst all this change, there are two constants - worry and lack of sleep. These "constants" didn't come as a shock.  Nine months of pregnancy prepared me quite well - I was always up during the night and during the day my mind was always on little B. 

What I was not prepared for was the heartache I would feel when watching the news, or hearing about a sick child. My heart drops and I feel sick.  I've always been tender-hearted, but having a baby took me to a whole other level!  My eyes see the world differently now - I'm intensely heartbroken over the evil and hurt in the world but overjoyed by how blessed my family is.  

On a happier note, B is now rolling from tummy to back and back to tummy easily and playing like crazy! This new mobility has baby B rolling on her tummy to sleep.  This scares me, but she has now slept through the night two nights in a row.  Ah!  More worry and lack of sleep...this face is so worth it all:    

Tuesday, August 6, 2013's who you're with...

My mom used to have a magnet on the refrigerator that said, "It takes a village to raise a child."  When I was much younger, I remember asking her what that meant. The true meaning - even after the explanation - wasn't fully clear until I had baby B. 

B was baptized this past Sunday and a celebration followed with family and friends.  My family - aunts, cousins, everyone - has always been there for me while growing up. Sunday, after seeing everyone show up for her, I felt such joy knowing that my daughter will be blessed and surrounded by such loving family and friends. 

Thank goodness for this little village! She will never find herself without great food, laughter, and little kid friends to play with!  Not to mention a baby best friend with a birthday two days away from her own:
Such cuteness! I am so excited to see these two grow up side by side. 

Please notice the huge panda bear in the background....

Life and happiness, to me, is not about where I am, it's about who I'm with!  I'm pretty sure I'd live in Siberia or the desert just to be close to the ones I love, the ones who love me and my little family.